This extraordinary tale of courage, strength and resilience is based on real events from 1943 and the times of Vichy France. Twelve-year-old Fanny is a stubborn but incredibly brave girl taking care of her two sisters, hiding from the dangers of war in a boarding school, away from their parents. Safety awaits them only as they cross the Swiss border. On this momentous and dangerous journey across occupied France, Fanny becomes the leader of the group of eight children.
Fanny’s Journey
About the director Lola Doillon
Lola Doillon worked on films by Jacques Doillon, Michael Haneke, Cédric Klapisch and Benoît Graffin. Her feature debut Et toi t’es sur qui? competed in 2007 in Un Certain Regard category at the Cannes Film Festival. The famous actress Kristin Scott Thomas starred in her next film, In Your Hands. Fanny’s Journey is her third feature.
Velika dvorana
Velika dvorana